Do Turtles Eat Goldfish: What You Must Know

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Imagine you’ve ever walked past a nicely set up aquarium, complete with crystal-clear water, vibrantly colored goldfish gliding gently, and a turtle basking beneath a lamp. In such a situation, you may have thought, Can these creatures coexist peacefully?

Do turtles eat goldfish? The question may appear strange at first, but it is a legitimate issue for many aquarium owners. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the topic, take a look into both creatures’ feeding habits, and offer an entertaining viewpoint on their coexistence. Let’s dive in!

Do Turtles Eat Goldfish? 

Do Turtles Eat Goldfish

So, do turtles eat goldfish? Turtles consume goldfish and other slow-moving fish that are small enough to fit in their mouths. They are omnivores, which means they primarily eat plants, insects, snails, and, of course, fish.

Goldfish are not recommended as a feeder fish for your pet turtle owing to their spiky bones. They can injure your pet turtle’s throat and internal organs. Goldfish are also high in fat, which is not good for your turtle.

Suppose your turtle is continually fed fatty meals. In that case, it is much more prone to Vitamin E deficiency, which can cause various health problems, including an eye infection, weakening bones and shells, and slow recovery. So, if you want a feeder fish for your turtle, you should look for something other than goldfish.

Can Turtles Live With Goldfish?

Sure! Turtles and goldfish have different wants and habits, so it’s not a great idea to keep them together in the same tank.

Firstly, turtles and goldfish need different types of water. Goldfish like cool water, while turtles need hot water to stay healthy. If you put them together, one of them might not be happy, which isn’t fair to either of them.

Secondly, turtles and goldfish have different diets. Goldfish are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and small critters. Turtles, on the other hand, are mostly eaters, meaning they eat meat like insects, fish, and sometimes plants. So if they’re in the same tank, they might end up fighting for food, which could stress them out or even make them sick.

Thirdly, turtles can be curious creatures and might try to nibble on a goldfish, thinking it for food. This could hurt the goldfish or even be dangerous for the turtle if the goldfish has sharp fins.

Lastly, turtles can grow much bigger than goldfish and might accidentally hurt them just by moving around. Goldfish are gentle creatures and might not be able to defend themselves against a bigger, more powerful turtle.

What Turtle Species Can Live With Goldfish?

What Turtle Species Can Live With Goldfish

While it’s usually recommended to keep turtles and goldfish in separate tanks due to their different needs and habits, some turtle species may be more compatible with goldfish if you have a large enough tank and carefully manage their environment. Here are a few turtle species that might be considered:

Do African Sideneck Turtles Eat Goldfish?

African Sideneck turtles, like many other aquatic turtles, may eat goldfish if they are small enough to be identified as prey. Aquatic turtles, including African Sideneck turtles, are opportunistic feeders and will eat a range of foods, including fish, insects, and plants. However, it’s important to provide a balanced diet for them that includes commercial turtle pellets, vegetables, and occasional treats like fish or insects.

Do Aquatic Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Yes, aquatic turtles are known to eat goldfish. Aquatic turtles, such as red-eared sliders, painted turtles, and African Sideneck turtles, are opportunistic feeders and will consume a range of prey items, including fish. Goldfish can be a part of their food if they are small enough to be considered prey by the turtle.

However, it’s important to ensure that the goldfish offered to aquatic turtles are of a suitable size to avoid choking hazards or difficulties in swallowing. Additionally, providing a varied diet consisting of commercial turtle pellets, vegetables, and occasional treats like fish or insects is crucial for the general health and nutrition of the turtle.

Do Baby Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Baby turtles have similar dietary needs to adult turtles but may require smaller or more finely chopped food items. While baby turtles could eat small goldfish, it’s crucial to offer them a varied diet to ensure proper growth and nutrition.

Do Box Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Box turtles, on the other hand, are mainly land-dwelling and omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. While box turtles may eat small fish occasionally, they typically prefer terrestrial foods like insects, worms, fruits, and vegetables.

Do Red-eared Slider Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Red-eared sliders are one of the most famous turtle species kept as pets. They can handle a wide range of water conditions and temperatures, which might make them more adaptable to sharing a tank with goldfish.

Do Painted Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Painted turtles are another popular pet turtle species that might be compatible with goldfish if their tank is large enough and well-maintained. They prefer slow-moving or still water, which could make them ideal tankmates for goldfish.

Do Map Turtles Eat Goldfish?

Map turtles are known for their unique markings and can be kept in aquariums with proper filtration systems. Some species, like the Mississippi map turtle, may be able to share a tank with goldfish if given suitable conditions.

It’s crucial to remember that even with these species, careful thought must be given to factors such as tank size, water quality, and the individual personalities of the animals.

Regular monitoring and maintenance of the tank are important to ensure the health and well-being of both turtles and goldfish. Additionally, always consult with a veterinarian or experienced reptile expert for specific advice on housing multiple species together.

Why Can’t Goldfish and Turtles Live Together?

Why Can't Goldfish and Turtles Live Together

It’s usually not safe to keep goldfish with turtles in the same tank. There are a few reasons for this:

Differences in Diet: Goldfish are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and small critters. Turtles, however, are mostly eaters and prefer to eat meat like insects, fish, and sometimes plants. This difference in diet can lead to competition for food and possible conflicts.

Risk of Injury: Turtles can sometimes mistake goldfish for food and try to nibble on them, which can lead to injury or stress for the goldfish. Additionally, turtles can grow quite big and might accidentally harm the goldfish while swimming around in the tank.

Water Temperature Needs: Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures, while turtles need warmer water to stay healthy. Keeping them together in the same tank can make keeping the right temperature for both species difficult.

Stress: The appearance of a turtle in the same tank can stress out the goldfish, as they might feel threatened or constantly on edge.

Overall, it’s best to keep goldfish and turtles in separate tanks where they can each have the proper environment and care they need to grow. If you want to have both as pets, it’s important to provide them with their area to ensure their safety and well-being.

What Fish Do Turtles Eat?

What Fish Do Turtles Eat

Aquatic turtles are opportunistic feeders and will consume a variety of prey items, including different types of fish. Some of the fish regularly eaten by turtles include:

  • Small Fish: Turtles may eat small types of fish such as guppies, minnows, tetras, and small goldfish. These fish are usually easy for turtles to catch and swallow.
  • Feeder Fish: Many pet stores sell feeder fish, especially for feeding reptiles and other carnivorous animals. These feeder fish, which can include rosy red minnows, comet goldfish, and mollies, are often used as food supplements for turtles.
  • Native Fish: In the wild, aquatic turtles may eat native fish species found in their habitat. These could include sunfish, perch, bluegill, and various kinds of freshwater fish.
  • Injured or Dying Fish: Turtles are scavengers and may opportunistically eat injured or dying fish they come across in their environment.

It’s important to note that while fish can be a part of a turtle’s diet, it’s essential to provide a balanced diet that includes commercial turtle pellets, vegetables, and rare treats like fish or insects.

Read More: Do Turtles Eat Crickets


While the question “Do turtles eat goldfish” may have led you here, there’s so much more to these critters than just their eating habits. They reflect the diverse, colorful, and eternally intriguing world of aquatic pets.

And, if you do decide to introduce Goldfish to Turtle, make sure to give them the space, love, and care they deserve. With the appropriate circumstances, they may form the dynamic pair you never realized you needed in your life! Cheers to the unexpected roommates!

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