Can A Box Turtle Swim?

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Turtle, this word holds all of the turtle species including tortoises. Tortoises are mainly land-living turtles. Today, our topic is one of the terrestrial or land-living reptiles, box turtles. It also means box turtles are primarily tortoises, and they usually are not like aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles that are good with water. Many turtle enthusiasts have this question in mind: as a land dweller, can a box turtle swim?

Swimming is not a comfort zone for box turtles as a land-living tortoise, but they can manage to be in water unless it is too deep. However, in captive conditions in tap water or shallow water, you may notice box turtles having fun. In this post, we will be diving into this question: can a box turtle swim? Or, if they can’t swim well enough, why? 

Can a Box Turtle Swim?

can a box turtle swim

Yes, as a terrestrial turtle, box turtles indeed can swim. Unlike some of their aquatic turtle cousins, box turtles are not good swimmers in deep water, which is very natural. However, they can paddle around in shallow water for a short while. Otherwise, they can not survive or drown in deep water if they are for a long time. 

It makes sense because these land-loving turtles live in marshes and wetlands, where shallow water is plentiful. Although their swimming is more like a playful splash than a powerful stroke, it’s still a good adaptive skill.

Why Box Turtles Can Not Swim Well?

Why Box Turtles Can Not Swim Well

There’s no doubt box turtles can paddle in shallow water, but they’re not exactly built for deep dives. Here’s why:

Feet for Walking, Not Swimming

Unlike aquatic turtles with webbed feet for swimming, box turtles have short, sturdy legs with blunt claws. Their leg structure is suitable for digging and walking on land but needs to be more appropriate for propelling them through the water.

Shell Shape Matters

Most aquatic turtles have flat surfaces rather than domed patterns. But Box turtles have a high-domed shell, kind of like a bumpy roof. This dome shape is excellent for protection on land but not ideal for streamlining through water. Imagine trying to swim with a backpack on.

Made For Land

Box turtles come from swamps and wetlands, where shallow water is standard. They’ve adapted to spending most of their time on land, and swimming isn’t necessary for survival.

Can All Box Turtle Species Swim?

Can All Box Turtle Species Swim

According to our research, almost all kinds of familiar box turtles are capable of swimming when necessary. However, as we already have the answer, they are less good swimmer than aquatic turtles, but they can still survive in water.

In deep water, it is more complex, but in shallow water, most of the box turtle species can manage well. In deep water, box turtles mainly try to float rather than swim.

Box turtle species that can swim include popular pet varieties like the

  • Eastern Box Turtle
  • Aquatic Box Turtle
  • Ornate Box Turtle
  • Asian Box Turtle
  • Desert Box Turtle

Is There Any Box Turtle Species That Can Swim Underwater? 

Yes, there is a type of aquatic box turtle that can swim underwater. It is a Coahuilan box turtle that can frequently swim underwater and can come up whenever it needs to. Terrestrial box turtles can not dive and come out from deep water like painted or red-eared sliders; we already discussed this.

Because they are land-dwelling box turtles, and they are not good swimmers. However, as a unique box turtle species, the aquatic Coahuilan box turtle is different.

Do Box Turtles Need Water?

Do Box Turtles Need Water

We already know that box turtles are not good swimmers, as their habitat and physical pattern do not suit water. But do they need it for their survival? Yes, of course, like any other living creature, they need water. Without water, they cannot survive.

  • Watery Meals: Just like all turtles, box turtles need water to help swallow and digest their food. Think of it like washing down a bite. That’s why it’s a good idea to feed your box turtle in their water dish.
  • Hydration Station: Box turtles get dehydrated just like any other pet. Having a clean water dish allows them to take a drink whenever they feel thirsty.
  • Soaking Spot: Box turtles enjoy taking a dip in shallow water to stay calm and moist. This soak helps with their skin health and can even aid in digestion.

Land Lovers with a Watery Need: Unlike aquatic turtles, who spend most of their lives in the water, box turtles are primarily land dwellers. They don’t need to live right next to a pond or stream, but they do need access to clean water for these important reasons.

Remember: The water dish should be shallow enough for your box turtle to climb in and out of easily. The water should also be changed regularly to keep it clean. A happy, healthy box turtle is a hydrated box turtle.

How Much Water Is Required In a Box Turtle Habitat?

Unlike their aquatic box turtle, terrestrial box turtles prefer shallow water for a quick dip. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Shallow Water Level: The water level should be shallow enough for your box turtle to comfortably touch the bottom and quickly reach the surface to breathe. Think about the depth of their shell – that’s a good starting point.
  • Footrests are Important: Box turtles aren’t precisely pro swimmers, so they need to be able to rest their feet on the bottom and feel secure.
  • Cleanliness is Key: Just like any pet’s water dish or tank, a box turtle’s water needs regular changes to keep it fresh and free of bacteria. Changing the water and cleaning the tank every three weeks is a good idea.

How Long Can Box Turtles Swim?

While box turtles can do little paddle, they’re not built for long swims. They can swim for a short time. Unlike their aquatic species, which can glide through the water, box turtles are more like “shallow splashers.” They typically swim from point A to point B, like crossing a small stream. 

The exact amount of time box turtles can swim depends on the individual turtle, but it’s generally limited. They will also play or have fun cooling off in shallow water for enough time, but it will not last as long as aquatic ones. Deep water is very risky for a box turtle to handle. If they are in such a situation, rather than swimming, they will try to float.

Do Box Turtles Drown in Water?

Even though box turtles can take a little dip or paddle, deep water can be dangerous. In contrast to their aquatic cousins, who can stay underwater for long periods, box turtles can drown if submerged for too long.  Most turtle species, including marine and semi-aquatic, can hold their breath for around 20-30 minutes. 

Sea turtles are the exception; they can hold breath for up to 10 hours. While aquatic turtles can manage to stay within 30 minutes,  it is needless to say that box turtles will be less capable than land dwellers.

They get tired quickly while being in the water and aren’t strong swimmers. So, it’s essential to set up a shallow tank where your box turtle can easily touch the bottom and keep its head above water.

How Fast Can a Box Turtle Swim?

Box turtles have bulky shells and short legs, which make them slow on land and even slower in the water. Even short swims require them to rest, and they hurry along at a leisurely pace. How fast they can swim, the number is not precise.

One interesting fact is that box turtles are actually faster walkers than swimmers! Studies show they can walk slowly but steadily for long distances at a speed of 0.17 mph. In short distances, they can even reach 0.25 mph. It might not seem very fast, but it’s faster than their swimming speed.

Interestingly, other turtles, like cooters, can zip through the water much faster than box turtles can walk on land. Compared to the box turtle’s slow pace, cooters can swim over one mph (1.6 km/h) in the water.

Can a box turtle swim in tap water?

Box turtles need a shallow water setup to stay hydrated and healthy, but tap water could be better. You can use fresh tap water, which is safe. But naturally, in many places, tap water contains chlorine or other unhealthy agents that may harm the turtle’s body. 

They may feel skin-shell disease, eye irritation, discomfort, and digestion problems from unfresh tap water. But, if you are sure about tap water safety, you can use it for turtles, or you can give them the water you use.

Can an eastern box turtle swim?

Yes, eastern box turtles can swim to survive. While they are not expert swimmers, they can paddle in shallow water if they need to cross a small stream or cool off. Imagine them more like wading through mud than gracefully gliding through a lake.

Read More: Are Turtles Born With Their Shells?

Wrap Up

So, can a box turtle swim? Well, they’re not pros, but they can do a little doggy paddle in a pinch. It’s more comfortable on land for box turtles. The critical thing to remember is that they’re not built for deep water. 

Think of a kiddie pool for their wading, not a big-sized swimming complex. You should provide a shallow water setup if you have a box turtle to keep them hydrated and happy.

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