Can Turtles Eat Avocado?

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Avocados are a trendy fruit that we eat mainly as a salad or creamy or saucy filling. Turtles are omnivores, and they eat plant-based food like veggies or fruits. Avocados are a healthy fruit for humans. What about turtles? Can turtles eat avocado like us?

While there are many other fruits that turtles can eat in moderation, avocados are not a safe addition to turtles’ diet. As a responsible pet owner, you should know what is safe for turtles when it comes to food. So, let’s delve deeper into the question – can turtles eat avocado? If not, why?

Can Turtles Eat Avocado?

can turtles eat avocado

The answer is a clear no. Avocados are packed with healthy fats and vitamins and are healthy for humans. However, turtles should not have avocados in their diet. In fact, avocados can be harmful to turtles due to a toxin called persin.  

What is Persin?

Persin is a natural fungicide that kills fungus. It protects avocado plants from fungus attack. Persin is found in all parts of the avocado plant, including the leaves, pit, and fruit. 

While persin isn’t harmful to humans in small amounts, it can be toxic to many animals, including turtles. This is why avocados are on the “no-eat” list for many reptiles and amphibians, including turtles.

While there aren’t specific studies yet on avocado’s toxicity for turtles, veterinarians recommend caution. Playing it safe is always the best option for your turtle’s health.

What are the Nutrition Avocado Offer?

What are the Nutrition Avocado Offer

According to USDA, half of an avocado offers the following nutrients approximately:

Calories160 kcal
Fat14.7 g
Sodium7 mg
Carbohydrates8.5 g
Fiber6.7 g
Sugars0.7 g
Protein2 g
Magnesium29 mg
Potassium485 mg
Vitamin C10 mg
Vitamin E2.1 mg
Vitamin K21 mcg

From the above data, we see that avocados provide some essential nutrition for turtles, like fat, protein, and vitamins. However, they also contain some negative nutrients for turtles’ bodies, such as sodium, sugar, and the calcium-phosphorus ratio, which is not ideal. 

With this positive and negative combination, you will find many fruits or vegetables for turtles. Still, they can be served in balance. As we mentioned about persin, because of this toxin, even with some beneficial nutrients, avocados shouldn’t be added to turtles’ diets.

Rather, you will get many nutritious foods for turtles, so why take the risk?

How Does Persin Harm Turtles Health?

Persin in avocados is no joke for turtles. Here’s how it can make them feel sick:

Digestive Issues

Persin can irritate a turtle’s digestive system and lead to throwing up (vomiting), diarrhea, and belly aches (abdominal pain). Imagine eating something that makes your tummy feel like it’s on a rollercoaster – not fun!

Heart Disease

Persin can mess with a turtle’s heart, making it beat irregularly (arrhythmia) or even stop altogether (heart failure). Turtles’ hearts usually beat in a steady rhythm, like a drum, keeping the beat. But persin can mess with their hearts, making them beat too fast or too slow or even stop completely.

Breathing Problems

In some cases, avocados can make it hard for turtles to breathe appropriately. It’s like someone putting a tiny hand over their nose and mouth – they can’t get enough air.

These problems can be severe and even cause a turtle’s death. So, it’s best to avoid avocados altogether and stick with safe foods that won’t make turtles sick.

Is any Part of the Avocado Plant Safe for Turtles?

Is Any Part of the Avocado Plant Safe for Turtles

Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding no.  Everything on the avocado plant, from the little roots down low to the yummy fruit up high, can make turtles sick. This includes the leaves, stem, flower, pit (seed), and even the yummy flesh of the avocado itself.

Turtles are naturally curious creatures. If they nibble on an avocado leaf or lick the fruit, it is not secure for them like other fruits.

Other Risks From Avocado For Turtles?

We already know about persin, the toxin in avocados that can make turtles sick. But the trouble doesn’t stop there. Here’s why avocado is a multi-threat problem for these fascinating creatures:

Calcium Catastrophe

Turtles need calcium for strong bones and shells. Unfortunately, avocados are loaded with phosphorus but light on calcium, which messes with their body’s ability to absorb calcium, even if they eat them. 

The right calcium: phosphorus ratio (meaning calcium should be more than phosphorus) is crucial for turtle bone health.  Trying to build a house with the wrong kind of bricks will weaken the foundation.


Another villain in the avocado story is oxalates. These sneaky molecules bind to calcium like a magnet and get flushed out of the turtle’s body. The result?

A calcium deficiency, even if the turtle is eating enough! Imagine calcium is a treasure chest, and oxalates are sneaky thieves who steal it before the turtle can use it.

Weight Issue

While avocado’s fat is considered “good” for humans, it can be too much of a good thing for a small turtle. It can lead to weight gain and even obesity, which isn’t healthy for these active creatures. Think of it like a tiny turtle trying to wear a giant backpack – it’s just too much to carry around.

Avocados can also lead to low bone density due to oxalates and, in severe cases, even organ failure due to the persin content.

If you care about your pet turtle’s health, it’s best to avoid avocados. Stick to their natural diet or commercially prepared turtle food to keep them happy and thriving.

My Turtle ate Avocado, What to do Now?

Accidents happen, and sometimes, our curious turtles might snatch a bite of something they shouldn’t, like avocado. Here’s what to do if your turtle eats avocado:

  • Stay Calm: Don’t panic! Try to understand the situation.
  • Monitor Your Turtle: Watch your turtle closely for signs of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, trouble breathing, or unusual behavior.
  • Call the Vet: Contact your vet as soon as possible. Explain what happened and ask for their advice.
  • Early Action is Key: Even if your turtle seems fine, it’s still best to consult a vet. They can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action.

Important Note: Do not try to make your turtle vomit at home or give them any medication on your own. Always consult your veterinarian first. 

The best way to avoid this situation is to keep avocados and all other toxic plants out of reach of your turtle.

Can Box Turtles Eat Avocados?

No, box turtles shouldn’t. Box turtles are opportunistic eaters, and they will eat anything they get in front of them. Avocados contain the toxin persin, which is not suitable for box turtle health. So, avocados are not recommended for a box turtle diet.

Read More: Do Turtles Eat Tadpoles?

Bottom Line

So, can turtles have avocados? Unfortunately, these trendy green fruits are a big no-no for our shelled friends. Think of it like offering your hamster a spicy chili pepper – not exactly their idea of a good time.

While a tiny nibble might not cause immediate problems, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. Follow the natural diet or commercially prepared food, and your turtle will be happy and healthy for years to come. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to avocados and turtles.

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