Can Turtles Eat Cabbage?

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If you are interested in turtles, you may already know that they are omnivores. They have diverse dietary preferences, including vegetables, meat, fruits, etc. Leafy greens are one of the major diet categories for turtles, so this habit raises the question among many turtle owners—can turtles eat cabbage? 

Even though turtles seem to like eating various foods, including cabbage, there are some things to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll discuss whether turtles can eat cabbage, how much cabbage they can eat, and how to feed them a balanced diet. So, let’s dive into the world of turtles and their relationship with cabbage!

Can Turtles Eat Cabbage?

Can Turtles Eat Cabbage

The simple answer is yes; turtles can eat cabbage when given moderately. Like many vegetables, cabbage contains certain nutrients that are beneficial for turtles. For both omnivorous and herbivorous turtles, vegetables are nutritious staples.

But here’s the catch: cabbage has phosphorus, which can cause trouble for turtles if they overeat. You can not serve cabbage as the primary diet for your turtles. Even if cabbage falls in the green vegetable category, which may seem safe, it’s not when you give too much. 

Nutritional Benefits of Cabbage for Turtles

Nutritional Benefits of Cabbage for Turtles

Omnivorous turtles should get most of their nutrition from vegetables, which comprise about 80-90% of their diet. It ensures a balanced and nutritious diet for optimal health.

Calcium & Phosphorus

Cabbage’s calcium-to-phosphorus ratio aligns well with turtles’ dietary needs, which ensures they receive essential nutrients without excess phosphorus. 

Vitamins & Minerals

Alongside vitamins A, B6, C, and K, cabbage provides vital minerals like magnesium, manganese, and potassium, essential for turtle health.

Among these nutrients, magnesium, manganese, and potassium benefit bone strength. Vitamins A, B6, C, and K contribute to overall nervous system function and well-being.

While cabbage is nutritious, it’s essential to offer it in moderation. In addition to cabbage, your turtle needs various other vegetables for optimal health and vitality.

Calcium Phosphorus Ratio Of Cabbage

Calcium Phosphorus Ratio Of Cabbage

Calcium is crucial for turtles as it strengthens their shells, which is essential for protection against predators. On the other hand, too much phosphorus can weaken a shell.

Ideal Ratio of Calcium-Phosphorus for Turtle Diets

A balanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, like 2:1, is optimal for turtle health. Cabbage, with its 2:1 ratio, is a suitable choice.

When selecting vegetables for your turtle’s diet, prioritize those with favorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratios.

Role of Calcium and Phosphorus Found in Cabbage for Humans and Turtles

Both calcium and phosphorus play crucial roles in maintaining health, but their significance differs between turtles and humans. Cabbage is also a great source of these minerals.


Both turtles and humans need calcium for bone health. Turtles’ shells are made of bone and need a lot of calcium. It ensures the strength and integrity of their shells, offering protection from predators and environmental stressors.


While phosphorus serves various functions in human bodies, including waste filtration and tissue repair, its role in turtles is unique. Phosphorus contributes to shell flexibility in turtles, making them more resilient to bites and impacts.

However, overdoses of phosphorus can soften the shell, weakening its defenses. As a result, turtles should be fed vegetables such as cabbage, which contain more calcium than phosphorus.

The Balancing Act

Maintaining a proper balance between calcium and phosphorus intake is essential for both turtles and humans. While calcium ensures structural integrity, phosphorus adds flexibility.

Turtles need the right balance of C: P ratio to stay healthy and resilient, preventing predators and environmental hazards.

Is there Any Risk From Cabbage to Turtles?

Cabbage contains glucosinolates, which are plant chemicals acting as goitrogens. This goitogen is responsible for suppressing thyroid gland function. It isn’t harmful in small amounts, but if it dominates a turtle’s diet, it can cause health issues.

These chemicals are found in other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale. While balanced cabbage treats are fine, a diet heavily reliant on cabbage can pose risks to turtle health.

About goitrogens: In 1928, scientists noticed something strange: rabbits eating fresh cabbage ended up with bigger thyroid glands. This swelling is called a goiter, so the term is “goitrogen.”

How To Prepare Cabbage Before Feeding Your Turtle?

Prepare Cabbage Before Feeding Your Turtle

Turtles should eat raw cabbage, which veterinarians recommend. Raw cabbage contains more nutrition than cooked one.

  • You have to wash cabbage well before feeding it to turtles to ensure no pesticides or pollutants on it.
  • Cabbage is a big piece of vegetable, so you cannot serve it whole. You should cut or tear cabbage leaves into bite-size pieces before serving to your turtle.
  • Pick the outer leaves of the cabbage plant, as they contain the highest level of nutrients.
  • Removing the cabbage stem (node) is advisable as it can be tough, bitter, and pose a choking hazard.

Can Turtles Eat Cooked Cabbage?

Certainly! Turtles can safely consume cooked cabbage. Cooking cabbage reduces about 25% of its nutrients, so it’s best to serve it raw to turtles, which they often enjoy for its crunchiness. You can occasionally serve cooked cabbage, but keeping them plain is better, without any added oil or seasoning.


Can box turtles eat cabbage?

Yes, box turtles can eat cabbage. The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in cabbage is suitable for them in moderation. A variety of vegetables is essential for optimal nutrition in a box turtle’s diet.

Can red-eared slider turtles eat cabbage?

Red-eared slider turtles can enjoy cabbage like other aquatic turtles. Being omnivores, they can eat cabbage. It’s best to give them the green-colored outermost leaves, which are the most nutritious. You can feed cabbage to red-eared sliders in the water, where they can eat more comfortably.

Can turtle eat cabbage?

Turtles can definitely have cabbage in their diet. Cabbage contains some beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, calcium, and phosphorus, that help turtles’ health.

Can turtles eat cabbage leaves?

Cabbage is a vegetable that is combined with many leaves. Eating cabbage means consuming its leaves. So, on that basis, turtles can eat cabbage leaves, whether raw or cooked.

Can turtles eat red cabbage?

Absolutely. Turtles can enjoy purple or red cabbage just like green cabbage. Purple cabbage packs more vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and iron, making it a nutritious choice for your pet.

Can a snapping turtle eat cabbage?

Yes! Snapping turtles can indeed eat cabbage. As omnivores, they have a varied diet, with about 65% of aquatic vegetation. It’s generally okay to feed cabbage to snapping turtles, but some may not eat it as eagerly as other things.

Read More: Can Turtles Eat Mealworms?

The Takeaway

So, what’s the verdict on “Can Turtles Eat Cabbage?” While turtles can indeed munch on cabbage, it’s crucial not to overdo it. Cabbage is packed with a range of nutrients beneficial for turtles, but it’s best not to make it the mainstay of their diet. Instead, mix it up with other fresh veggies to ensure a balanced meal for your shelled friend.

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