Can Turtles Eat Grapes: What You Need To Know

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When we dig into turtle diets, a common question emerges – can turtles eat grapes? It’s fascinating to learn how their nutrition works since they’re known for their unique tastes. If you own a turtle pet, you’re probably curious about their diet. The answer to the question “Can turtles eat grapes” is – they can. But is it good for their health depends on what species of turtle you are talking about.

Food diet suitability varies among carnivorous, omnivorous, and herbivorous species. In this post, we will explore can turtles eat grapes or whether it is good for turtles’ diet plan. If you are looking for this answer, you will get more grape diet information for your loving pet’s diet. Let’s get started.

Can Turtles Eat Grapes? The answer

Can Turtles Eat Grapes

The straight answer is ‘yes’. Turtles or tortoises can eat grapes and some of the turtle species love grapes. When you give them, they happily eat. There’s a twist, though. But in grapes, there is excessive sugar – which is not good for turtles’ health. In addition, the calcium-phosphorus ratio in grapes may cause challenges for turtle health. 

Nutritional Value of Grapes for Turtles

When considering the nutritional value of grapes for turtles, it’s essential to look into the key components that make up these small, flavorful fruits.

1. Overview of Water, Carbohydrates, and Sugars

The majority of grapes are composed of water, which makes up over 80% of their weight. This high water content makes them a hydrating and refreshing treat. Additionally, the remaining composition includes carbohydrates, which have natural sugars that turtles probably like.

These sugars are a crucial source of calories, making grapes a relatively energy-dense fruit. Even though the calories are low, the serving size matters, especially when considering turtles’ smaller dietary proportions.

2. Vitamins and Minerals Present in Grapes

Grapes offer a wide range of vitamins and minerals, making them a potentially beneficial addition to a turtle’s diet.


Vitamin A (66 IU): Essential for maintaining eyesight, epithelial tissues, reproductive health, and overall growth. It plays a pivotal role in strengthening the immune system.


Calcium (10 mg): Critical for maintaining bone and shell health in turtles.

Phosphorus (20 mg): Another vital mineral contributing to bone and shell health.

Vitamins A and D are the most important vitamins for turtles, and grapes have vitamin A that’s potentially beneficial to turtle health.

Turtle Nutrition and How Grapes Fit into Turtle Diets


When it comes to evaluating grapes’ role in turtle diets, it’s important to understand their nutritional needs.

Poikilothermic animals like turtles have different dietary needs. Vitamins, especially A and D, are essential for optimal health. Minerals like calcium and phosphorus keep their shells and bones strong. Grapes’ nutritional composition can offer hydration due to their high water content. Natural sugars contribute energy to turtles’ health.

Keep in mind that turtles should be given grapes in moderation. They can provide some essential nutrients, but an imbalanced diet can cause problems. 

Nutrition Chart: Grapes (Per 100 grams)


The following chart shows grapes’ nutritional content, giving insight into their potential role in turtle diets. 

Nutrient Amount 
Water 80.54 g 
Carbohydrates 18.1 g
Calcium              10 mg  
Phosphorus           20 mg 
Vitamin A 66 IU 

Note: Values are approximate and may vary based on grape variety.

Negative Effects of Feeding Grapes

It’s important to know the risks associated with excessive grape consumption for your turtle. Turtles love grapes, but they need to eat them in moderation to be healthy.

1. Stomach Upset and the Risk of Diarrhea:

Feeding your turtle too many grapes can lead to a stomach upset, resulting in digestive issues such as diarrhea. If grapes are consumed too much, they can upset the balance of bacteria in the turtle’s stomach, causing gastrointestinal problems.

2. Concerns Related to the Calcium-Phosphorus Ratio:

Maintaining the right balance of calcium and phosphorus is crucial for a turtle’s bone and shell health. Even though grapes contain both minerals, they have a low calcium-phosphorus ratio. Turtles require a ratio of 2:1 (twice as much calcium as phosphorus), while grapes have a 1:2 ratio, potentially causing bone-related problems if fed excessively.

3. Impact of Grape Oxalates:

Oxalates, naturally occurring compounds present in many plants, including grapes, can bind to calcium within the turtle’s body. Grapes, with their high oxalate content, create a dual challenge by offering low calcium levels and introducing substances that reduce calcium absorption. Long-term exposure to these conditions can cause health problems like metabolic bone disease.

How Often Can Turtles Eat Grapes: Finding the Right Balance

How Often Can Turtles Eat Grapes

Some turtles that live on land (terrestrial), like the ornate box turtle, can eat grapes sometimes. It’s okay for these turtles if grapes make up about 14-16% of all their food. It adds a bit of variety to their meals.

But for other turtles, the amount may not be the same. Different turtles need different things. You can consider talking to an expert veterinarian to know about these specific needs. Also, getting advice from a vet is a good idea, especially for carnivorous turtles that mostly eat meat.

It’s better for your turtle to eat seedless grapes because they’re safer. Although some turtle owners remove the peels from grapes so they’re easier to digest, turtles can eat grape peels without problems. To offer grapes to your turtle, consider chopping them into small, manageable pieces after a thorough wash.

Can Box Turtles Eat Grapes?

Box turtles are native to North America. They have an omnivorous nature and eagerly eat a wide variety of food. They can eat fruit, including grapes, for up to 9-10% of their diet. Box turtles’ omnivorous tendencies require a variety of flavors and nutrients in their diet.

Can Red-eared Slider Turtles Eat Grapes?

In the wild, red-eared sliders eat veggies and protein, avoiding fruits due to their high sugar content, including grapes. These fruits are seen as occasional treats rather than regular meals for red-eared sliders. Many pet owners don’t treat their red-eared sliders more than once a week or two. A good rule is to give them an amount that fits inside their heads, like one grape, depending on their size. It’s important to keep pet turtles on a balanced, healthy diet.

Can aquatic turtles eat grapes?

Yes! If you have an aquatic turtle and you’re thinking of offering them grapes, it’s generally safe to feed them grapes. While aquatic turtles may not be the top choice for pets, they can still enjoy grapes as part of a varied diet. Just ensure you don’t overdo it for your aquatic companion’s overall well-being.

Can Painted Turtles Eat Grapes?

Painted turtles, known for their vibrant appearance, can eat grapes occasionally as a treat. While fruits are not a staple in their wild diet, you can give a small portion, perhaps one grape, can be a delightful and safe addition to their menu.

Read More: How Long Can a Turtle Live Without Food

Wrap Up

Knowing what do turtles eat and how much they should be given is critical for their good health. You should be aware of your turtle’s species and dietary needs before introducing any food. However, the grape is fruit, you can give your turtle without any concern. But, as we have mentioned several times, you must maintain an ideal portion while serving grapes to turtles. Even if your turtle likes grapes, you shouldn’t give too many. You need to make sure your shelled friend is well-fed and in moderation.

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