Do Turtles Eat Crabs?

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As a new turtle owner, you may have many questions about their diet and habitat. If you know their essential eating habits, you may already know that turtles are omnivores. Crabs fall into a meat or protein-based diet, and there are many do’s and don’ts for the turtle diet. Crab is a common seafood in many households, so if you have it at home, this question can poke your mind: “Do turtles eat crabs?” As a turtle’s protein diet, they can get crabs occasionally.

However, even if you consider adding a crab diet for your turtles, you must be careful. It’s not like you can serve crab meat in their daily meal. So, in today’s post, let’s dive deeper into more specifics about this question—”Do turtles eat crabs?” What nutrition will they get, and how much is safe for them?

Do Turtles Eat Crabs?

Do Turtles Eat Crabs

The answer is yes, they do. Turtles follow a varied diet, including plant and meat. Crabs are their meat diet addition. Crabs are a great source of protein and some other essential nutrients in turtles’ food.

However, not all turtle species eat crabs. Some turtle species that live in salty habitats and those turtles that have omnivore food habits can eat crabs. Carnivore snapping turtles love to eat crabs, and green sea turtles or diamond terrapins can savor crabs, which can be found in their salty water.

Nutrition Table Breakdown of Crab Meat

Nutrition Table Breakdown of Crab Meat

These are the nutrition values for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked crab meat. The data comes from USDA’s FoodData Central. While this data is calculated for human nutrition, you can still get good information value of crab meat nutrition for a turtle diet: 

NutrientAmount% Daily Value
Calories97 kcal4.9%
Protein19.35 g38.7%
Fat1.54 g2%
Omega-30.46 g
Vitamin B1211.5 mcg 479% DV
Folate13% DV
Vitamin B611% DV
Vitamin C8% DV
Riboflavin (B2)5% DV
Thiamin (B1)4% DV
Vitamin A (RAE)1% DV
Phosphorus22% DV
Magnesium15% DV
Potassium6% DV
Calcium5% DV
Iron4% DV
Manganese2% DV

Nutritional Benefits of Crab Meat for Turtles

Nutritional Benefits of Crab Meat for Turtles

There are turtle types that, like crabs, eat a mixed diet (omnivores or carnivores). These little crustaceans are incredible for turtles because they’re full of nutrients. Here’s how:


Crabs are a good source of protein, which builds a turtle’s body. Turtles need protein to grow strong, just like we do. They rely on this protein to keep their shells healthy and strong.

Vitamin Pack

Crabs contain protein and essential fatty acids, as well as a variety of vitamins. These essential nutrients help turtles in many ways, like keeping their nervous system healthy (Vitamin B12) or supporting healthy vision (Vitamin A). Other vitamins found in crabs include Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Riboflavin (B2).


Crabs can also provide essential minerals for turtles. These minerals are crucial to keeping a turtle’s body functioning properly. For instance, calcium helps strengthen their bones and shell growth, while zinc supports a healthy immune system. Other minerals found in crabs include phosphorus and manganese, which are also crucial for turtles’ healthy balance.

Fatty acids

Crabs also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Turtles need these special fats to keep their metabolisms healthy and give them extra energy.

What are the Safe Crab Types for Your Turtle?

We learned that crabs can be a nutritious treat for some turtle species. Keeping safety in mind, what kinds of crabs are okay for your shelled friend?

  • Fiddler Crabs: These little crabs are a popular choice for turtles. They’re found in coastal areas and have one giant claw, but they are harmless to turtles. Fiddler crabs offer good nutrients in a bite-sized package.
  • Blue Crabs: These crabs are giants more than fiddler crabs and pack a protein punch. However, they can be a bit tough for tiny turtles. So make sure your turtle is giant enough to handle them safely. Or you can prepare and serve them safely.
  • Hermit crabs: Hermit crabs have exciting features. They live in borrowed shells. These crabs can be a nutritious snack for some turtles.

We mentioned three types here, but there are over 4,500 types worldwide. Turtles can eat other types of crabs, too. 

Are there any Risks from Crab Meat for Turtles?

While turtles can consume crab, the first rule of thumb is that it can not be their regular diet. You can include crabs in moderation. However, in the wild, they can get crabs or other foods naturally, and they are adapted to that habit. Even in the wild, it’s not like one certain species solely relies on one food source.

Crabs’ pinchy claws might seem like a tasty treat, but they can injure a pet turtle’s mouth or eyes. Small crabs with soft shells or claws can be okay for them to savor.

Believe it or not, some turtles can be allergic to crabs or shrimp, just like some humans. The allergic symptoms can include swelling, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. Shrimp and other crustaceans carry similar allergy risks. So, constantly monitor your pet turtle if you are introducing something new, like crabs, into their diet.

Preparing Crabs for Your Turtle

Preparing Crabs for Your Turtle

Crabs are a delicious treat for some turtles, but make sure to keep them safe when preparing them for your pet. Here’s why:

  • Live Danger: Live crabs have sharp claws and can pinch your turtle, causing injury. Additionally, they can be a choking hazard for your pet.
  • Cooked: The safest option is to offer your turtle crab cooked or boiled. It removes the risk of injury and makes the crab easier to digest for your pet turtle.


Do turtles eat hermit crabs?

Yes, some turtles seem to like hermit crabs. Many wild or brackish watery turtles eat this hermit crab if they get them available in nature. The Hermit crab diet can provide some nutrition turtles need.

Do crabs eat sea turtles?

Yes, sea turtles eat crabs, as these crustaceans are found in their underwater habitat. For instance, green sea turtles eat algae and other underwater plants. But they sometimes eat saltwater crabs for their protein need.

Do crabs eat baby sea turtles?

It depends on their size in their natural habitat. Mostly, baby turtles are tiny, and some crabs are bigger than their size. In this case, baby turtles cannot handle crabs for eating. But, if you prepare cooked or boiled crab meat for your baby pet turtle, they can eat safely.

Read More: Do Turtles Get Lonely?

Bottom Line

So, can turtles eat crabs? The answer depends on the turtle, like many things with shelled friends! Turtles that eat both plants and meat (omnivores) may like crabs. If you’re thinking about adding crab to your turtle’s diet, the best thing to do is chat with your vet.

Your turtle’s veterinarian can help you decide if crabs are a good fit for your turtle species and how to prepare them. After all, a happy and healthy turtle is one everyone can be pleased with.

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