Do Turtles Like Music: A Comprehensive Guide

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Music is a go-to or regular recreation medium for us. Many music lovers can’t think of a single day without this art form humans have relied on since the beginning of time. Your furry pets, like dogs or cats, seem to like music. Turtles are becoming increasingly popular pets. So, do turtles love music?

Although turtles are fascinating creatures, their sound preferences may not match ours. All animals have different levels of sound frequency tolerance. Turtles can detect lower sound frequencies than humans, which means they hear less sound. 

However, they may like to enjoy calming music. Today, we will discuss details about this query: Do turtles like music, or are they even capable of listening to music? 

Do Turtles Like Music?

Do Turtles Like Music

The answer is not certain: Turtles like music or not. We can say turtles may like to listen to music, but there is no scientific or proven proof that turtles like music. 

We thoroughly researched what turtle owners are saying about turtles and music on many turtle forums. Some newbie pet caregivers need clarification about turtles’ reactions to music. 

Many turtle owners say playing calming music to their turtles from a young age helps them relax. This is because they raised them with music from the very beginning. It makes sense, considering turtles’ quiet and peaceful nature. 

Another fact is that turtles may not like louder or more noisy music because when they live in any noisy area, they feel stressed. Some turtle owners have reported that the turtles might even raise their heads or eat with relaxation when certain melodies play.

However, not all turtle species are music fans. Other turtle owners report that even with loud music or vibration, turtles do not show any reaction. 

The uncertainty of turtles’ reactions to music creates a big question: Do they even hear music like us to enjoy it? There is no definite answer, although you may try hard to observe the signs from their body language.

Do Turtles Have Ears & How They Work?

Do Turtles Have Ears

Turtles might not have the same ears or listening capabilities as we do, but they can definitely hear what’s going on around them. They do not have external ears like us or other pets. 

Turtles have unique internal ears hidden under the skin on the sides of their heads. These ears are like tiny microphones, which pick up vibrations traveling through water or air. 

Tiny bones inside turtles’ ears act like listening parts, even though turtles don’t have eardrums. These bones sort through vibrations and send messages to the brain about the sounds the turtle hears.

Turtles actually hear better underwater. The water carries sound waves more efficiently, making them easier to catch. This is especially helpful for hearing predators or finding food underwater. 

Turtles are more sensitive to low-frequency sounds and rumbles. They might be able to pick up loud noises or instruments like a bass guitar more easily than high-pitched melodies, but they may not like louder sounds.

What they hear may not be the best hearing, but it lets them know what’s going on around them, even underwater. Hearing is only one of the crucial things for turtles. Their ears are good at feeling low rumbles and shakes, which helps them find food and avoid danger.

Do Turtles Understand Music Or Lyrics?

Do Turtles Understand Music

Turtles are intelligent animals. Unlike us, they haven’t grown up surrounded by different types of music. They need help understanding songs’ stories or the feelings melodies evoke.

Here’s an idea: you can train your turtle to react to specific sounds, like jingling a bell when it’s time for food. But they still need to enjoy the sound itself. Their senses are more focused on things that help them survive, like finding food or avoiding danger. So, while music might not be their cup of tea, it can still influence their behavior in specific ways.

What Type of Music Turtles Like?

Unlike us, turtles don’t have a musical background that influences their taste. Their hearing ability may not even match ours. They may be more focused on the sounds themselves.

So, what’s a turtle’s favorite tune? There is no proven answer. However, calming melodies and natural sounds can be good options based on their quiet nature. 

Try relaxing classical pieces, instrumental music, or even a gentle natural sound (like flowing water or birds chirping). Keep it low-volume and avoid things that are too loud or fast-paced, which could stress them out.

How Turtles Might React to Music?

How Turtles Might React to Music

Music might not be as crucial to turtles as it is to us, but they do react to sounds. You can create a relaxing day for your shelled friend with calming music, while loud or fast music might be too much for them.

Here’s the fun part: you can actually be a turtle DJ. Observe your turtle’s behavior when you play different types of music. Do they seem more active with some tunes, or maybe extra relaxed with others? So, you can pay attention and find out what creates a musical atmosphere your turtle enjoys.

Music isn’t just for fun. It might even be good for your turtle’s health (it’s not definitive). Just like toys and enrichment activities, different sounds may stimulate your turtle mentally and emotionally. 

Some turtle owners suggest music therapy could have positive effects on turtles, like reducing stress and making them happier. It is a new area of study, but it’s exciting to think your turtle might enjoy some tunes.

Can Turtles Hear Your (Owner) Voice?

Even though they have a lower hearing frequency, turtles can still pick up on some of your sounds. Their hearing range works best for low-frequency vibrations, which means they might only catch some of the words you say. Turtles can detect high-pitched voices outside their range (around 100-120 hertz for standard speech). 

However, if you have a deep voice (which can reach up to 300 hertz), you’re more likely to feel the rumbling sounds of your speech. Your turtle probably senses your voice’s low-frequency vibrations when you’re talking to them, even if they don’t understand every word.


What music do turtles like?

Turtles may like music, but it’s not sure yet. There is no scientific proof that shows turtles like music. However, you can observe their reaction or body language to see if they show any sign of positivity after they hear some music.

Do baby alligator snapping turtle-like music?

Like all turtle species, there is no proven answer to whether a baby alligator snapping turtle likes music or not. Some baby turtles may like softer music. However, they will not show any significant symptoms to make you understand they are enjoying it.

Do snapping turtles like music?

Snapping turtles might be fine with calming music or natural sounds. If you want to play music for them, it is not necessary. Snapping turtles will not react to the calming music you play, as they have a lower frequency of hearing ability. But, if any loud music is played, they may feel stressed.

Do turtles like classical music?

Turtles will be quiet and peaceful if they listen to classical or relaxing music, which means they are not annoyed. Meanwhile, in some cases, turtles may feel stressed or annoyed if they hear louder or noisy music, as they do not like noisy environments. However, some owners claim that their turtle seems to like pop or extra-vibration music.

Read More: Do Turtles Get Lonely?

Bottom Line

Turtles are a mystery when it comes to music appreciation. They don’t have ears like ours, and their hearing focuses on low rumbles and vibrations. You can put on calming melodies or nature sounds for your shelled friend, even if they may not like heavy metal bases.

The key is to pay attention to your turtle’s personality. Some turtles might seem more interested in music than others. Try different types of tunes at low volume and see if they extend their heads (or maybe seem more relaxed). Only by your observation or experiment can you realize the turtle’s specific reaction to music.

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