How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get?

Red slider turtles, also known as red-eared sliders, are becoming one of the most popular pet turtles. When you are an owner of a red-eared slider, this question can poke your mind, “how big do red slider turtles get?” Simply, they can reach up to a maximum of 11-12 inches in their whole life. 

Normally, these turtles are tiny to fit in your palm when they are hatchlings.  However, they can get up to the size of a dinner plate as they grow. There are a lot of factors that influence their size, like diet, habitat, and genetics. Today, we will dive into your query, “How big do red slider turtles get”? Here, we will also see how big they grow in their different age the factors of their growth, along with a side-by-side growth comparison table. 

How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get?

How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get

Red-eared sliders can grow up to 11 inches on average. At maximum rarely, their size may reach 12 inches. When they are hatchlings, they are only 1.5-2 inches. Generally, an adult red slider female size is bigger than a male’s. So, an adult red-eared slider size can vary from 7-12 inches, and they can weigh up to 3 to 6 pounds.

What Are The Size and Growth of Red-Eared Slider Turtles?

The red-eared slider’s growth stages can be divided into three phases. There are three main stages of their growth – hatchlings, juveniles, and adults.


At birth, red-eared sliders are just about 1 inch long, and these tiny babies need a high-protein diet to grow properly. In their early weeks, red-eared sliders are carnivores and will eat a lot of small insects. 


A yearling turtle grows by about an inch each year. So, by the age of two, most red-eared sliders are 2-3 inches long. When they are 3 years old, their size grows to 3-4 inches. At this stage, it is crucial to ensure a balanced diet and proper living conditions. Juveniles require the sun, so the basking site should be very warm to help them grow up faster. It is important for shell development.


By the age of 5, most male turtles are 6-8 inches long. Females’ red-eared slider overtakes males, and they finally grow to 8-11 inches when they are about 8. As males stop growing, females continue to grow in a relatively large shell for later use as eggs. At this stage, turtles grow very slowly, and their diet habit becomes omnivore, mainly eating plant-based food.

How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get in Captivity?

How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get

Whether in the wild or captivity, red-eared sliders’ basic physical traits are the same. However, in captivity, Red-eared sliders’ growth potential can reach up to the maximum size, because of the right diet and habitat setup.

On average, captive Red-eared sliders can grow up to about 11 inches. In the wild, male turtles will grow 8-10 inches and females can grow to 10-12 inches. In the wild, their size can be limited to captivity due to the lack of balanced food compared to those in captive conditions. Besides environmental factors, in nature, there’s also predation from larger animals. 

At the same time, on rare occasions, red-eared sliders can grow up to 16 inches while being in captivity. But, on average, the adult size can grow from 8 to 12 inches. In captivity food supply is enough and there are no major stress factors. There are also genetic factors that contribute to this exceptional growth size (recorded size 16 inches).

Red-Eared Slider Growth Chart by Age and Gender

Here is the list of red-eared sliders’ age and weight differences in various stages.

Age (Years)Male Size (Inches)Female Size (Inches)Weight (Pounds)Notes
0 – 6 Months0.9 – 1.10.9 – 1.1~0.13 – 0.2Hatchlings are tiny and gender differences are not visible.
6 – 12 Months1 – 1.51 – 1.5~0.2 – 0.3The growth rate is highest in this stage; sliders grow quickly.
1 Year1.5 – 2.51.5 – 2.5~0.3 – 0.5Begin to show slight gender differences.
2 Years2 – 32 – 3~0.5 – 1Juveniles; rapid growth continues with a focus on diet.
3 Years3 – 3.53 – 4~1 – 1.5Growth starts to slow; males and females begin to diverge.
4 Years4 – 4.54 – 5~2.5 – 4Females grow larger; males start showing secondary traits.
5 Years4.5 – 55.5 – 72 – 3
6 – 8 Years5 – 6 (Males)7 – 103 – 4
8+ Years5 – 7 (Males)8 – 114 – 6

Key Observations:

  • Gender Differences: Females generally grow larger than males due to breeding requirements.
  • Growth Rate: Fastest in the first two years; declines significantly after five years.
  • Environmental Impact: Proper diet, space, and UV lighting are crucial for optimal growth.
  • Exceptions: Some individuals may exceed typical sizes with ideal conditions and genetics.

What Are The Factors Influencing Red-eared Slider Growth?

How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get

If you want to ensure your pet’s red-eared slider’s right growth, you first have to know which factors contribute to their proper growth. Let’s explore them –

1. Nutritional Balance

    If you want your red-eared slider to grow properly, then a balanced diet is the most crucial. In order to grow well, they need a mix of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. During their juvenile phase, red sliders are mostly carnivorous, eating fish, insects, and worms. When they’re older, they eat more leafy greens like kale and collards.

    Also, you have to remember overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues while an imbalanced diet can halt growth. You should stick to a balanced feeding schedule and serve them the right portions for their age and size.

    Recommended Food Sources

    • Proteins: Insects, small fish, and turtle pellets.
    • Vegetables: Dark leafy greens such as kale and collard greens.

    2. Age and Growth Dynamics

      During the first few years of life, red-eared sliders grow a lot, often reaching several inches. As they get older, their growth rate slows, and usually, development stops around age eight.

      When they age, their dietary needs change, and they require more plant-based foods. In addition, habitat conditions should be adjusted so red-eared sliders have plenty of room and an enriching environment.

      3. Gender Variability

      In order to accommodate egg production, red-eared slider females generally grow bigger (8-12 inches) than males.  Meanwhile, the average height of a male is between 5 and 9 inches.

      When breeding season comes around, bigger females need more space and food to sustain their size.

      4. Role of UVB Lighting

      Red-eared sliders need UVB lighting to absorb calcium and develop strong bones and shells. Insufficient UVB exposure can lead to metabolic bone disease. Try to keep the UVB light on for about 10-12 hours a day to mimic natural sunlight above their basking area.

      5. Habitat and Environmental Space

      You have to make sure that providing ample space for red-eared sliders is critical to prevent slow growth. In general, there should be at least 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length in order to ensure clean water and proper filtration.

      Create a variety of terrain with hiding spots to encourage natural behaviours and mental stimulation for red-eared sliders in a healthy environment.

      6. Captivity vs. Wild Growth Patterns

      Red-eared sliders in captivity frequently grow larger because they receive constant nutrition, proper habitat setup and medical care. However, they require optimal conditions to reach their full growth potential.

      In the wild, their growth can be limited by variable diets, predation, and environmental stresses. Compared to captive red sliders, these factors often cause them to be smaller.

      How Long Do Red-Eared Sliders Live?

      How Big Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Get

      In captivity, red-eared sliders can live between 20 to 30 years with proper care and attention. These turtles can live an even more fulfilling life alongside humans with the right living conditions.

      There are reports of red-eared sliders reaching 70 years old in the wild. Their lives are typically shorter in nature than those in captivity due to natural predators and environmental stresses. In a controlled home environment, the red-eared slider can lead to a healthy, pretty good length of life expectancy.

      Wrapping Up

      In wrapping up this question, “How big do red slider turtles get?” it’s clear that their average maximum length can grow up to 12 inches. If you know what they need and how to take care of them, they’ll thrive well. So, stay informed and make sure you provide the best possible environment for your shelled friends. After all, a happy turtle means a happy owner!


      How big do baby red ear slider turtles get?

      Hatchling red-eared slider turtles are usually about an inch long when they emerge from their eggs. The hatchlings are small enough to fit on a quarter. As they transition from hatchlings to babies, they can grow to approximately 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter.